Movie Review, Abejoye

God is a Defender and Abejoye Season 3 alludes to this. Have you ever enjoyed God as a Defender just like Olayiotan Abejoye did?

One of Baba’s excesses was ringng prayer bells at the wee hours of the day and disrupting the family’s sleep and the way he screamed his son’s name to ask about a song he was taught in the dream was close to annoying . Baba’s ‘nativised’ art of of telling bible stories would sometimes make you cringe even when he was battling against the enemy with the word of God he still told stories.

Yet, he enjoyed fellowship with the Holy spirit as he was instructed that he shouldn’t fight with anyone nor be be angry with anyone and he must forgive everyone and always be prayerful.

Bamidele and his wife Laide kept having issues in their home. Bamidele accused his wife of not being submissive while wife the replied with bitter words, a round of physical abuse would have ensued if Baba had not interrupted again by one of his sudden calls of ‘Bamidele’. The irony of life played out when Baba , a new convert prayed for the couple ‘supposed senior believer’, he even prescribed fasting and prayer for them and as usual Bamidele refused the fasting prescription at first.

In all of these, God didn’t forsake the family, he kept bringing warnings to them. Even the way they were behaving in the presence of the pastor shows that the couple have no harmony. They shamelessly behaved like unbelievers. Baba also got warned that he should not fight with anyone and he should be patien. It is worthy to note here that no matter how unworthy we may behave, God does not give up on us, he will keep sending counsels to us in love. It now becomes our choice to make whether to yield to His outstretched hands of love or not.

On different occasions, Christ Jesus, the Defender fought Abejoye Olayiotan’s battles and won the victory for him. and hiis enemy got devoured by fire. On the other hand, the first recipient of God’s defense for Abejoye, Chief Oluoje finally gave his life to Christ.and he received mercy and got saved. Eventually, the man became an Evangelist of Christ’s gospel in the village.

Abejoye Season 3 part 2 revealed Baba’s weakness despite God’s warning to him that he shouldn’t fight with anyone. He harshly arrogantly replied the chiefs who came to visit him though they provoked him to talk. Due to pride in the heart, Baba said what he was not supposed to say and defer God’s warning. Due to the presence of sin, he was susceptible to the enemy’s attack and they got him. He eventually got forgiven but he beared the brunt of his sin and lost his ministry.Baba pleaded for forgiveness. Baba died but the loving soul-deep prayers of his grandaughter helped to restoring Baba back to life by the Mercy of God. He was raised up and healed. This clearly denotes that God places more value on the salvation of our soul than whatever ministry or assignment He gives to us.
Apart from being restored to life physically, Baba’s ministry was also restored to him and he didnt hesistate to return to Ajibogun to start his assignment at Ajibogun.

Tada!! Abejoye season 3 My Defender ended with joy. We look forward to seeing Baba’s arrival and ministry at Ajibogun in an expected Abejoye season 4 where we will see more of Jesu Olayiotan Abejoye.

Thank you for reading through Abejoye’s reviews, an epic movie produced by Mount Zion films production, hope you enjoyed it? . Feel free to share your reviews of this epic movie in the comment section.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend! Je táime mon ami

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