Imposter Syndrome

It’s the new year, let’s shut off Imposter Syndrome

Hey fam! Happy Weekend!! How has the first week of the year been for you?

It has been a blissful one for me and I shared one of my experiences of the 1st week in 2021  on social media @difeblog.

I’m aware of the Charlie Charlie challenge that raved the social media this week and by the time I got the full gist that Charlie Charlie is a demon from past times. I thought to myself that the year just started and people are already calling a demon to themselves as a joke. Demon doesn’t know joke oo, let’s catch cruise without any sense of evil.

Before 2020 ended, I already had a clear knowledge of the demands and stretch that 2021 will require of me. Sometimes when I think about it, my heartbeat runs double and I become so anxious and unsettled. I self-doubted myself, had Imposter Syndrome.  Then one day, I was with a friend, I read aloud my expected 2021 demands that I had written in my journal. My friend said ‘It’s quite a list but you can do them all’

Those words sparked belief in me then I gradually retrain my mind into believing that I am not a fraud, I can do all that has been committed into my hands as I hold on to the truth that ‘I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me’

In 2021, opportunities and possibilities abound but when these opportunities come to you, can you really maximise it? Won’t you develop cold feet when the opportunities that you prayed for finally come to you? In one of my previous post, Imposter Syndrome  was  highlighted,  today let’s dig deeper on Imposter Syndrome.  How can we shut off ‘feeling like a fraud’ Imposter Syndrome in 2021’s journey to maximising and basking in the opportunities that abound for us?

  • Open up: When you notice an unhealthy fraudulent feeling, don’t just bottle it up. Speak to someone about it. Remember I spoke to a friend. You don’t have to be strong all by yourself. Knowing that you are not alone in the Imposter Syndrome war has a freeing effect.
  • Recognise the difference between facts and feelings: It’s normal that even the best of us feel stupid sometimes. Because you feel stupid now doesn’t mean that you are actually stupid. So, shake it off!
  • Check your association: If you are in the company of older, more competent and intelligent people and you are getting accolades you often feel that you don’t fit in. You actually super fit in, don’t self-doubt yourself that you don’t deserve being among the best. You are the best so soak it all in!
  • Positive response to failure and mistakes: When things happen below your expectations, don’t crucify yourself for it. Simply glean the lessons and move on knowing that every failure is a step to getting better.
  • Create a new thought script: Take charge of your internal thoughts that trigger Imposter Syndrome. Instead of thinking ‘Am I sure I can really be good like these people, these ones are intelligent than me’ rather tell yourself ‘I may not know all the answer now but I’m smart enough to find them out and fix things’. You could also try the thought pattern ‘Woww…everyone at this table is intelligent, I’m really going to learn a lot from them. For me, I’m using the ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me’ and ‘I have the mind of Christ’
  • Have a clear picture of your success: See yourself in that successful state you want it sure beats the unhealthy thought of Imposter Syndrome.
  • Validate yourself: Don’t wait for external validation before you really approve yourself or think well of yourself. Give yourself a pat on the back and reward yourself.

This is that year that you should wear your confidence like an irremovable clothe, even when it is hard to believe in yourself, still keep believing because if you don’t believe in yourself, who will? Don’t stress it, you are not a fraud, stop thinking like that. Imposter Syndrome stems from thought, stop that thought today.

Have a great pleasant weekend fam! Cheers to maximizing the opportunities as they come!! Je t’aime mon ami

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