Hello, how’s the weekend going for you. Maybe you didn’t even realize that it’s the weekend as you have been at home for weeks now and you have lost count of days. Ok, let me remind you that it’s weekend, specifically it’s Sunday of the first Weekend of April 2020. To chill off in this weekend, let’s do a movie review.

I noticed in my online community that everyone was talking about the movie ‘Miracle in Cell 7’ so I took a cue to watch the movie. Less than 15 minutes into the movie, I was already crying. Watching a clueless father being dragged into the prison while his daughter cried out loudly was painful.
Even after being wrongfully charged with kidnapping, rape and murder the ‘mentally disabled’ father didn’t realize the gravity of the charges against him until he got to the prison and his fellow prison inmates beat him because of his supposed crime.

Meanwhile, it does not take too much effort to realise that the supposed grievous offender has a good heart when he threw himself in to receive a knife- hit for the ‘Don’ of his prison cell. This earned him special attention from the ‘Don’ and it didn’t take them too long to realize that he has a good heart but an unsmart brain. And as a result of his unsmartness, the police without doing any pinch of proper investigation wrongfully charged him for the kidnap, rape and murder of the Police Commissioner’s daughter.

Clearly, the man was a victim of power victimisation. They exploited his mental disability and made him pay for a crime he knows nothing about. For him, separation from his beloved daughter was a grave punishment to him until the goodness of his heart earned him access to his daughter in the prison. You know this made me realise that people could actually go extra-mile for you if you have been extraordinarily good to people too.

The prison inmates and Prison Chief risked their lives for a mentally disabled man and his super smart and loving daughter. I also noted that other people evils shouldn’t change the goodness of one’s heart. In as much as he was a victim of evil, he bears no evil against anyone.

The most stupid and painful decision the man made was borne out of love for his daughter and the peak of his understanding of how life has played him was when he realized that he won’t see his daughter ever again as he was being led to the place of his execution. Looking at his death’s room, he broke down and realized his final separation from his daughter. He even cried for help but it was too late, he had been successfully manipulated( I cried😭 a lot while I watched this scene, even as I write this paragraph).

However, all through the movie ‘Miracle in Cell 7’ one thing that kept me amazed was how a mentally disabled man can have sound rememberance of numbers (money, time, dates) .

The fact that it took years to prove the man’s innocence though he had been killed by the law shows how unfair life can be. So while you as a person maintain the goodness of your heart, it is advisable to always pray not to be victim of evil or the dooming unfairness of life.

Take cue of love, joy and hope from both father and daughter in the movie, even though life unfairly played them they rolled through each day with love, joy and hope. As long as you live, let nothing steal love, joy and hope from you.

Cheers to the victories that lies ahead as you forge ahead in life. Looking forward to more reviews of ‘Miracle in Cell 7’ movie from you in the comment section. Let’s do this together💪💪

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