Ohhh yess! Today is the last day in the year 2018. It has been a journey of grace, lessons, laughter and growth. A feature of 2018’s journey is the ‘December to Remember Chronicle’ and I am delighted that this chronicle gets to a full-stop today.
In the video, I shared with you expository clips of the first school, first church and first court in an ancient town of Idanre. The first establishment of these three institutions in that locale ushered in grace to live the present life better than the past and hope for a glorious future.
In few hours to come 2018 will end while a new year begins with the dawn of the first day of the year .The first day of the year is very significant to every human being on earth because it signifies newness of opportunities to achieve anything you desire. Your memory’s ability to hold on to experiences of your first love, first day of parenthood, first day in school etc. is a proof that your ‘first’ in any endeavor is quite important to your journey.
So, even as you gratefully reminisce on past days of 2018, be cautious and courteous of the first day of 2019. Respect and enjoy the day from the first second to the last second of the day. Acknowledge a brand new, tear -rubber privilege to purposefully live life to its maximum and celebrate with relish the beauty and victories that 2019 holds for you!
It’s your first of the beginning and it matters to your journey.
Happy new year in advance dearie…
Lots of kisses and love to you❤❤❤